Monday, February 23, 2009

Verse of the Day - Proverbs 14:26

He who fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.
~ Proverbs 14:26 (NIV)


I play piano at my church, as primary keyboardist for the contemporary service and backup pianist (and alto singer) for the traditional service, when the primary pianist is "snow-birding" for the winter. For this service, we rehearse the songs at 8:30am on Sunday, and yesterday, I had quite an experience during rehearsal.

One of the hymns chosen was, "Jesus Loves Me," and immediately when I began to sing the alto part, my mind went racing back in time to my paternal grandparent's apartment in downtown San Francisco when I was very small, maybe 4 years old. This song was the first one I remember that my dad taught me to sing harmony. I remember standing in Grandma Coral's living room, with my fingers in my ears, so that I could stay on my harmony part, while my dad sang melody. I remember I took my fingers out of my ears but then landed right on the melody with my dad. :-) That memory caused me to realize so vividly how my family loved Jesus and how they introduced me to Him at a young age through music, which was very much a part of my family life. I became overwhelmed with emotion, and tears began to roll down my face. I couldn't sing for rehearsal anymore, so I just played. I thanked God for giving me godly parents and grandparents. And I thanked Him for hanging onto me when I took the rebellious road in my youth. Tears of gratitude and love wouldn't stop flowing, so I just let them flow.

As an adult, I took up the torch that my parents and grandparents carried, and taught my children about Jesus and modeled my love for Him to them in their growing up years. And I believe that God is faithful to that witness, to water those seeds sown and draw hearts to Him. Some seeds sprout at different times, but I hold firmly to the God who held me firmly. The torch of faith in the Almighty will be passed to future generations, I am convinced.

My father passed away when I was 16, and I'm sure I never thanked him for teaching me about Jesus. I was a teen and already rebelling -- I had no idea the treasure I'd been given. Since my mom is still alive, I will say, "Thanks, Mom...," for being a godly woman and pointing me to Jesus. I am thankful for your faithful witness. He is my refuge, as He is your fortress, just like this verse says. For now and through all eternity, God is our fortress and our refuge. Thank You, Jesus . . .


1 comment:

Unknown said...

what a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing. This was Lexi's favorite song and I wanted to thank you for the prayers for her family. Her service was amazing, Jenny and Jason really showed us who she was, through stories, photos, songs and video. Thank you again for sharing each day.
Sincerely, Dave