Monday, February 9, 2009

Verse of the Day - Colossians 1:13-14

For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.
~ Colossians 1:13-14 (NLT)


Imagine you lived in a country where the King was corrupt, as well as all his officials. They stole women out of their homes, raped and murdered them, just for fun. Children were like the dogs and worked to death in the factories. Property was confiscated and people forced to scavenge for food like wild animals. Unlawful raids on businesses kept their owners in constant fear. Never enough food. Continual violence. Terrible cold in the winter and searing heat in the summer without proper protection. Imagine you lived in this country, with no way out. Would you be tempted to slit your wrists to escape?

Now imagine a country you hear of -- rumors circulating that there is a land where the King is a good king, who doesn't take bribes and serves the people, instead of the other way around. Justice is the way of things, and people are valued and cared for. Love is the guiding force, and protection is the name of the game. There is enough food and clothing for all, and families enjoy being together, knowing the security of a safe environment. Businesses and crops thrive under good and fair management. There is peace and harmony because of the King's leadership and love for his people. What it must be like to live even a single day in that county..., you think. But you realize that there is no way out of your country and no way to get to wherever this paradise is that you've heard of.

But then the rumors begin that the Prince of "Paradise" has seen your deplorable living conditions and your oppression and declared war on your evil King. He has come to rescue you from the stench of death you and your countrymen are living in. Your mind doesn't want your heart to get excited over a pipe dream, but you can't help it. I and my family could actually be saved from this death-living?!? Who would not jump at the chance of being rescued from death-living into alive-living?

This is not an allegory, my friends. This is real. These kingdoms are real, and the battle is real. The spiritual warfare is all around us, and it's manifested in the physical realm in amazing clarity. Jesus is constantly fighting for the souls of humanity, knocking on the doors of men's hearts, asking them, Do you want to be rescued from this death-living? I am here to rescue you, if you are willing to follow me out of here. In My kingdom, you must surrender to my authority, but I am the Good King, and only want what's best for all those under my protection. I love you and will not only be your savior, but your friend. Does that future sound good? Please say 'yes', because you have no future with the evil one, except eternal death-living. I loved you enough to rescue you from that, if you're willing...

Without God, our souls are death-living with the devil in the hell-hole of sin. God's kingdom of righteousness and justice stand in stark contrast to what the devil forces us to live in, and Jesus, the Prince of Paradise, comes to the rescue and offers a way of escape from our endless misery. All it takes is for us to choose to take His hand and walk out of the deathtrap of the evil one.

So, which king is your King, and which kingdom do you live in? If you read this and know that you have been death-living with the devil, today you can know the protection of the Good King. Jesus can give your soul life, and you can begin the alive-living that He offers. Just ask Him to rescue you, and be willing to submit to His authority. Your other option is to sit in the fear and filth of what the devil offers, now and forever. It almost seems like a no-brainer, huh?

Jesus gives you a choice. It is yours to make. He hopes you will choose Him...


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