Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Verse of the Day - Philippians 2:4

Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.
~ Philippians 2:4 (NLT)


It's easy to be absorbed in our own stuff, huh? How many times have you been on the phone with someone, and you're saying, "uh-huh....hmm....uh-huh....really?...oh....uh-huh...", and all the while, you haven't really heard half of what they said, because you were secretly flipping TV channels, or reading your mail, or checking email, or whatever. I'll be the first to raise my hand.

How interested, really, are we in other people? How much do we really care about what they care about? How much are we really willing to invest in others, when it cuts into "me time"?

I think listening is one of the most valuable commodities when it comes to being interested and invested in other people. But that means we have to make time. Time? Who has time to stop and listen? I've got the kids' soccer practice and grocery shopping and laundry and dinner and dishes and my favorite TV show and doing my nails and...!

Yes. Time.

I had a gal come into my office last week to drop off some paperwork, who ended up sharing about her younger sister who'd come to stay in her home for her last remaining weeks on this earth, suffering from a terminal illness. My eyes welled up with tears as she shared her joy in being able to be there for her sister in that way, a bitter-sweet time. We only talked a few minutes -- well, mostly she talked and I listened -- but it was meaningful. I thanked her for sharing, and she thanked me for listening. I could've been clock-watching, thinking of a million other things. But I gave her my attention and my compassion, and I listened. And I believe God was pleased, because that is a reflection of His character. He always listens and cares for us when we want to talk to Him.

Community is a major buzz word these days, not only in the religious world, but in the secular world. And of course, not just the word, but the mentality and functionality behind it. Being your brother's keeper . . . having someone's back . . . lending a hand to those in need. Caring. Listening. Sharing. Loving. When people do these things, there is greater harmony, greater joy, greater productivity, greater vision for the future. It's community the way God intended.

You can be part of healthy community one individual at a time, just by listening. And don't just listen with your ears and walk away unchanged. Listen with your heart and allow God to move you to action, whether that's prayer, being generous with your resources, or putting your hands out to help however you can. Or all of the above!


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