Monday, January 21, 2008

Verse of the Day - 1 Peter 1:7

These [trials] have come so that your faith -- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire -- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
~ 1 Peter 1:7 (NIV)

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When I was little, America was in the Cold War with Russia and other communist countries. Not only were there duck-and-cover drills in school for the threat of nuclear attacks, but as a Christian family, there was a perceived threat that, if invaded, we would be targeted for persecution and possible annihilation. I don't remember hearing my parents talk about it, but I they must've, because I had a dream during that time that was very scary and seemed very real to my child's mind. Military men with guns had stormed into our home, on the hunt for Bibles. If they found Bibles, they knew or presumed the family was Christian. And the guns they carried weren't fashion knew you were dead if you were a Christian. I remember the chaos, and trying to hide...

As an adult, I've wondered how I would react if I was faced with death for my faith. And I had another dream....a dream that gave me hope that I would stand tall in the face of persecution. As I was being led by armed guards through a door and up a stairway, which presumably was leading me to my death, I was preaching the name of Jesus to them the whole way. I did not retreat or keep my mouth shut or beg for my life. My faith held.

Although those in other countries experience it regularly, most of us will probably never go through this type of extreme faith-testing. And yet, God provides tests of our faith every day. They can be big, like losing your job or fighting cancer...or little, like losing your wallet or fighting a cold. We are given opportunities to exercise our faith in God to work in and through us, or allow the flesh to govern our thoughts and decisions, which will lead us away from God, away from building our faith in Him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)

Faith says, I don't understand why this is happening. I don't understand how it can be fixed. But I believe that God is sovereign, and that His goodness never fails. I will choose to trust Him, to walk and talk in the confidence of Him who loves me...

Flesh says, I don't understand why this is happening. I don't understand how it can be fixed. Why is God doing this to me? I don't deserve these stinking problems! One way or another, I'm going to take care of myself. God obviously isn't interested...

Now, you tell me: Which scenario has the best chance of a good outcome? When you've chosen the 'flesh' way, how did it turn out for you? Did you ever choose the 'faith' way and were led astray?

Choosing faith in the Lord isn't easy. It takes laying down worry and fear. It takes picking up trust and peace. Difficult, very difficult. It takes practice, a lot of practice. But when you face a trial and choose faith, the next time trials come, faith is a little easier. Pretty soon, faith becomes the normal mode of operation, and the flesh is sittin' the bench.

How you deal with the big and little things is a mark of your belief system. And whether you operate in faith or the flesh, others are watching. So what kind of witness are you displaying, in the day-to-day testing you experience?

We also need to share with other believers in Jesus when we are victorious in the faith challenges we face. Testify to what it's like to rely on the Lord instead of our own devices. Let's help build up the body of Christ by encouraging others in their walk with the Lord, by sharing stories of faith in action!


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