Friday, January 4, 2008

Verse of the Day - Psalm 143:8

Let me hear of your unfailing love to me in the morning, for I am trusting you [God]. Show me where to walk, for I have come to you in prayer. ~ Psalm 143:8 (NLT)

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People tend to need reassurance from time to time as to whether other people really love them, huh? Maybe it's because human love is so fickle. "I'll love you til the day I die" sometimes only lasts until they've gotten sick and tired of this or that, and then--poof!--they're gone, and so is the love. There are some greeting card companies that develop the love/romance card section in such detail, that there's a card for EVERY facet of a love relationship, headings such as...

~ So glad I met you
~ You're the one for me
~ I've never met anyone like you
~ Our love will last forever
~ I'm sorry I upset you
~ Let's work things out
~ Getting past our differences
~ Please give me another chance because you're the only one in the world for me, and I'll just die if you don't take me back, even though I was a cheat and a liar and... (oh, sorry, got a little carried away...perhaps that's just a little too detailed even for the card companies! :-)

Most people want to hear "I love you", and yet, actions speak louder than words -- true? Talk is cheap, but the one who drives those words home with loving actions is one we can feel secure with, one who can be trusted.

What about God's love? Do we sometimes doubt it?

This whole 143rd psalm of David is far from jubilant, when you read it in full. He is miserable! His enemies are after him, and driving him into depression and despair. He wants to stay true to the Lord and follow Him, but He's being hounded day in and day out from those who want to destroy him. Kind of tough to keep your mental and emotional stability under those circumstances, huh?

But David knows that God loves Him. And he remembers that God has shown that love in tangible ways in the past. So he simply asks for some reassurance of God's love again, to renew His spirit, to give him hope, to keep him from sinking into a mental hole. What those words in the morning would be, I don't know. Maybe news from a messenger that something miraculous had prevented enemy advancement, and David would know it was God's hand. Maybe some encouraging news from home would reach David's ear. Maybe God's spirit would just whisper into David's soul, "I love you, David. Don't be afraid, and don't lose heart. I see all you're going through. Keep trusting me -- I will never leave you or turn my back on you."

Even if all of your earthly relationships were to end up in the toilet, God's love for you would still remain. And He is always there to show you in some way. Think back and remember times in your life when God was very evident to you, when He stood in the gap for you in ways you saw and understood. Stay true to Him and keep your eyes open!

Psalm 136 is a wonderful proclamation of God's enduring love! It first praises Him for who He is, above all. It praises His work of creation, and all the miraculous ways He provided for the Israelites in Egypt. And it ends like this...

23 He remembered us in our weakness.
His faithful love endures forever.
24 He saved us from our enemies.
His faithful love endures forever.
25 He gives food to every living thing.
His faithful love endures forever.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His faithful love endures forever.

Though you can't see Him, you have seen evidence of His love. And if you need special assurance at difficult times, feel free to ask Him for it. That's just honest communication between two who love each other -- you and God. He knows we're human, and that we need love notes now and then. When times are tough and things look bleak, trust Him. You never need to worry about getting a greeting card in the mail from Him that says, "Sorry things didn't work out between us...can we still keep in touch now and then?" :-)


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