Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Verse of the Day - 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Be joyful always. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16 (NIV)

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If you think this verse is a tall order, read this in context, as originally couched, in one sentence...

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

Sometimes we look at Paul's instructions, and say, yeah, right...I just can't be Superman like you, Paul...

Life just seems too hard sometimes. So many worries and concerns. So many trials and tribulations. So many wars and rumors of wars. So many natural disasters and catastrophic tragedies. We wonder, be joyful always? How 'bout just being joyful now and then?!?! And praying continually? I'm praying 'til I'm blue in the face! I'm worn out with praying! Be THANKFUL in all circumstances? Now, I know you must be kidding with that one...

This seems esoteric...that is to say, for a select few. For those elite Super-Christians who don't have any problems and read their Bible fourteen hours a day. For nuns and monks locked away in convents and monasteries. For the Pope, or Billy Graham. But for the average Joe? These are TALL orders...

It is true that joy and happiness are different. How exactly, I can't quite separate in my own life. I realize that it is possible to have an inner joy in my heart, even when life is so full of junk. But I personally have a difficult time separating my inner from my outer...or my outer from my inner. When things seem to be in place in my life, I feel happy. Or is it joy? (kinda like trying to figure out the difference between soul and spirit :-\) When life gets tough, my heart gets burdened and I get sad. Is that a lack of joy? Tough questions to answer, huh?

But when we turn our heart toward God and keep our eyes on Jesus, things are different. God-consciousness changes our perspective, plain and simple. When we meditate on the miracle of our sins forgiven and the love of God coming to live in our hearts, how can we not rejoice?!? When we experience a day-to-day relationship with the God of the universe, how can we not have joy?!? When we see lives changed where once was bitterness, hatred, despair and hopelessness, how can we not shout with great joy?!?

Do you see how living with a God perspective changes our perspective? Thinking vertically allows joy as a reality in our hearts, instead of just wishing we were happy in this hell-hole called earth.

~ Being saved from sin by the grace of God is reason for joy!
~ Staying in touch with our Father is reason to pray!
~ Knowing that we're loved and cared for in His mighty hand is reason for thanksgiving!

When life gets hard, we need to stay close to our roots...our spiritual roots.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
~ Helen Lemmel, 1922


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