Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Verse of the Day - Proverbs 27:2

Don't praise yourself; let others do it! ~ Proverbs 27:2 (NLT)

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Let's face it. We all like to hear that we've done a good job! We all like the proverbial pats on the back, to hear from someone that we're good at something, or at least that our efforts are recognized. Something. Please, someone notice me...

But people who brag about themselves usually defeat their own purposes. They want someone to pay attention to them, and so they brag about what they do or what they've said, hoping to make a good impression. But it's usually not a good impression. And it's usually obvious to a listener, but the bragger seems oblivious to his self-aggrandizement. We just want to turn these people off.

Bragging is distasteful to most, because human nature just doesn't recognize a person's lofty words about themselves. It doesn't have any real weight. That's like someone creating a test, and then taking the test and giving themselves an "A". What does that prove about their smarts? Not much.

Does he/she really think they're "all that" when they monopolize the conversation about this deal they made, or that vacation they went on, or that they were all the talk around the business table last week, or . . . ? Or is it possible that they're afraid of rejection, just wanting to be accepted, and feeling very small on the inside?

My guess is the latter.

So, what part do we play in all this? To just turn people off and talk behind their backs later at the water cooler? Or can we help improve someones self-esteem with a few kind words spoken?

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. ~ Proverbs 16:24 (NIV)

Please don't be stingy with encouragement! If you admire a job well done, let that person know. Don't just walk away and say to yourself, that was pretty awesome. If you see strength of character displayed, encourage them by acknowledging it to them. When you water a seed, it will grow. But parched ground without moisture only produces a field of dust.

Do we struggle with the fine line between self-esteem and ego-inflation? Perhaps. Some people have the mindset that you don't want to praise people because that's not God-honoring, that it exalts people and not God. But if we are not to judge our efforts by our own yardstick, then others need to pull out their yardstick and give the marks. God desires that we give our best in all that we do...other people help us measure that. And if there are some who are giving themselves glory, that is an opportunity for us to remind them gently of God's blessing on them, that it is God who gives us talent and energy, that He is the one who deserves our corporate praise for all He does in and through us.

So go out there today and encourage someone . . . God knows that our frail spirits need the lift!


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