Thursday, January 17, 2008

Verse of the Day - Acts 20:36

When [Paul] had finished speaking, he knelt and prayed with them. ~ Acts 20:36 (NLT)

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How often do we say to people, sincerely, "I'll pray for you," and then walk away, or hang up, or press "send", and get sidetracked? I know I have. It's not that I don't care about that person or what they're going's just that life intervenes, and my brain is only so big. :-) In fact, there was a time when I wouldn't say those words, because I didn't want to be a hypocrite.

Ever felt that way? Well, do I have the solution for you!

Pray in the now. Pray where you are. Don't wait for a "better time" -- there is no time like the present, as the saying goes. And pray with that person, if at all possible. Not only do you not forget to remember them to the Lord, but they are edified and lifted in spirit as you pray over them. It's help now, not later. If a friend were to cut themselves badly in the kitchen, would you say, "I'm in the middle of this TV show...I'll call '911' after the next commercial"...?

Yesterday, I met up with a friend who was going through a difficult time. I offered my arm of friendship, not knowing what more I could do. I said, "I'll pray for you," and actually said a quiet prayer immediately. When the meeting was over, I said, "I'd like to pray for you right now," and as we bowed our heads in the parking lot, I just thanked God for knowing all that goes on in our lives and for loving us, and to help my friend in whatever they're struggling with. That was it -- amen. Just a simple prayer over a friend who was hurting, but I believe it was the now thing to do, and was a ministering help to them.

To have someone pray for us specifically, by name, is very comforting when we're going through stuff. Why? Maybe it's just knowing that we're not going through it alone. Maybe because we're able to hear someone express to God what we want to say, but can't seem to say. Maybe it's because when we pray, we're drawn into God's presence...and that's a very soothing place to be, next to the Father who loves us.

Don't let an opportunity to be a minister pass you by. Pray in the 'now'. I've even prayed for people when I'm emailing them! Hey, why not? I've had people tell me how helpful that was, blessing their spirits as they read a prayer to God, for them. If King David, who was very conversational with God in his writings, can do it, so can we.

Don't wait for opportunity to knock. Opportunity is plopped in front of the TV with the remote in its hand, while someone needs major first aid in the kitchen! Call '911' now...pray to God in the 'now' when people need help.

P.S. prayer isn't just for when people need help. talk to God in the 'now' about anything! that's what friends do -- they share the little stuff, the silly stuff, the plain stuff. that builds and deepens the relationship as much, or more, than sharing the big stuff. so deepen your relationship with God by talking to Him...about everything -- in the 'now'.


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