Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Verse of the Day - Ephesians 3:16-17
~ Ephesians 3:16-17 (NLT)
When you know someone loves you...I mean really know in your heart that a certain someone loves you...that knowledge makes a real difference in how you behave in that relationship. Am I right?
When your heart feels secure, you act in confidence. No worrying that things will fall apart at the slightest difficulty. Not wondering if they're just lying to you to use you for whatever. You rest secure and confident in their love. It is empowering for moving forward in that relationship.
Paul says that he desired the Ephesians to come to that strength of understanding in how God loved them. Deep and committed. Unfailing and wide as the ocean. And as they, and us, put our real trust in Jesus to guide and govern our lives, He makes His home in our hearts. He dwells in our inner beings, strengthening our spirits by His divine love for us.
This is not merely academic -- it's a very spiritual experience to have the God of the universe dwelling inside of you. It goes WAY beyond words on the pages of your Bible and into real life change. Heart change, spiritual growth, inner strength.
Are you desiring to have your roots firmly planted in God's love? Do you want to feel and know that you are strong in your relationship with Him? Then trust Jesus to be your God. Trust Him to love you biggest and best. Trust Him to guide you through this life and the next. You will then begin to experience God on a deeper spiritual level, as He touches your spirit with knowledge and understanding of His love and grace for you.
Words on a page, or words on your heart. Don't make your relationship with Him merely academic. Jesus wants you to get off the page, and get into Him.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 34:18
~ Psalm 34:18 (NIV)
Ever been brokenhearted? Crushed in spirit? I know I have. Nothing is so debilitating as a broken heart or a crushed spirit. You might not have anything physically wrong with you, but when you're under the weight of mental and emotional anguish, you might as well have a crippling disease, for all of your inability to function like a "normal" human being.
Do you ever find that some people avoid you when you're going through that fire?
We humans are often at a loss as to what to do when someone is going through a valley of despair and brokenness. It's uncomfortable when you can't seem to lift a finger to help the person who's suffering on the inside. If only we could put a band-aid on it...but we can't. And so we sometimes avoid the situation by avoiding the person. But God never avoids the hurting.
This verse really speaks to me of God's compassion for the hurting, and I often quote it when sending out sympathy cards. I just want people to know that, not only am I concerned for them in their difficult time, God cares, too. And I know he does, because He's been there for me, when I've been crushed in spirit.
Whatever issue you may be facing, or whatever events have occurred in your life, you've been broken-hearted. Or if you haven't, you will -- the day is still young. I pray that, when your heart breaks and you're under the heavy weight of emotional burden, you will reach out to God, who stands so close that you can hear Him breathing. Ready to hold you . . . listen to you . . . catch your tears . . . and offer words of comfort and love.
Anyone who says God is a meanie doesn't know my God. He's got the biggest heart and the most loving arms you could ever hope to find. Please go to Him when you're hurting. He's the only One who can lift those heart burdens and give you real hope.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Verse of the Day - Luke 6:36
~ Luke 6:36 (NIV)
Mercy is an outpouring from God that doesn't come naturally to us. We might like to think we're merciful, but it doesn't take much negative action toward us before we rise up with the sword of justice and look for heads to roll.
Certainly, there are times to fight injustice. God is absolutely the Defender of the oppressed, and we should fight for the side of human rights. But in this passage, I think Jesus is talking about slights. Minor offenses. The little things. And how often do we demand justice for the little things, instead of showing mercy?
~ A grocery clerk overcharges you, so you speak to the store manager to make sure the clerk gets in trouble...
~ You overhear some negative comments made about you in the office lunchroom, and then send out a blast office email identifying the gossipers by name...
~ Your kid lies to you about cleaning his room so he could go to the football game, so you ground him for six months...
We often have the right to make people pay for the error of their ways, but are we showing mercy, or vengeance?
If we were made to pay for all the error of our ways, we'd have so many balls and chains wrapped around us, we'd look like the ghost of Jacob Marley in "A Christmas Carol"! Yet, God is merciful to us. He does not repay us as our deeds deserve (Psalm 103:10). You know it's true, and I know it's true. So Jesus tells us to imitate our Father in heaven...show mercy the way He shows us mercy.
The next time someone slights you, or "slaps you on the cheek", ask God to help you show mercy. Don't pay them back as their deeds deserve. Show kindness, instead of harshness. Overlook, instead of looking down upon. That is how we personally identify with the heart of God, and how we show others what our God is really like.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Verse of the Day - Esther 4:14b
~ Esther 4:14b (NIV)
Wow. I just finished re-reading the book of Esther. What an amazing story of God's hand on individuals and His people! If you've not read this book, I encourage to take a little while and read about the power of God... http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther%201;&version=31;
...for such a time as this...
I just love that concept -- that I, as a believer in Jesus, am placed here where I am, born in a little suburb of America in the 20th century, for a reason. God has purpose for me! Whatever positions I hold, whatever possessions I have, whoever I am acquainted with...it is for a purpose. His purpose. Not my purpose.
That was Haman's problem. His life was all about him. (you'll have to read the book, or you won't know who I'm talking about.) He reveled in the high position and wealth that King Xerxes had given him, and it totally went to his head. Talk about arrogant and prideful! And when Mordecai refused to pay him honor, flames came out of Haman's ears! As far as he was concerned, the world revolved around him, and anyone who refused to see it his way was worth getting rid of. But as the story unfolds, God reminds Haman and the world that pride does go before a fall, and elevating oneself in arrogance will lead to your destruction.
But back to purpose...
You may think you don't have a purpose in life. You go to work, come home, eat and sleep, and then get up and do it all over again, and it just doesn't seem like there's any purpose to it all. I urge you, my friend, to quit putting God in a box. Stop minimizing the magnitude of God's almighty power and His total sovereignty! You're thinking very small if you think that you, as His child, are floating aimlessly through this life without a call to purposeful service.
Esther could've thought that being called into the king's pool of available virgins was a curse. It may have been scary; it may have felt awkward. But we don't ever hear that she complained to God about where she was placed. And when the very existence of her people was on the line, her cousin Mordecai challenges her to open her eyes to God's plan and purpose and act in His power.
Where you are may feel awkward or scary, but if you trust God to be the Supreme Authority of this world, you can trust that He has His hand on you and where you are for a specific reason. Yet, we always want to know what the plan is, don't we? Well, guess what? Esther was queen for 5 years before she was called to lay it all on the line for God. So, just because God has not revealed His plan to you for where you are in this life, please don't think He fell asleep at the wheel. He never sleeps and is always working. You can count on that!
The saying goes, "Bloom where you're planted...", and I like that saying! Esther bloomed where she was planted by God. So did Mordecai. So did Joseph of the Old Testament in Pharaoh's court. And David did in service to King Saul. And Daniel did in the royal palace of Babylon. And on and on it goes with the people of God who take God's challenge to bloom where they're planted.
Mordecai was pretty pointed when he told Esther, "... if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place..." (Esther 4:14a) As my pastor likes to remind our church, God wants us to join Him in His work, not visa versa. He has plans, and those plans will be accomplished...one way, or another. We need to get on board, 'cuz the ship is sailing.
You may not understand, but you can believe that God's life plan for you has a purpose...a good purpose, a godly purpose. Or you can complain and grumble about whatever circumstance you're in, refusing to open your eyes to God's mysterious ways, and miss out on the blessing of being a minister of God's grace and love.
Your choice...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Verse of the Day - Exodus 4:10-12
~ Exodus 4:10-12 (NIV)
We sure do know how to make excuses to God when He asks us to do something, huh? We don't think we're a good enough speaker, like Moses did. Or we think we've made too many mistakes in life to be effective. Or we're just lazy and don't feel like it. God says I'm not taking any of your excuses. Whatever you pull out of your hat to get out of My service, I can trump with my all-sufficiency. So get off you thumbs and get on the stick...
My pastor has used a video several times to help people understand their role in God's service and how our weakness is no excuse. It's the march of the unqualified... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnoPIuENS-I
God wants to use you for His good purposes. On your job, at school, in the grocery store, on the soccer field. Don't make excuses...commit to be ready and willing, and then open your eyes to God's world. When you allow God to use you without making excuses, you will stand amazed at His ability to work through you! And your heart will be blessed beyond measure.
In God's kingdom, you can make excuses, or you can make milestones. Are you riding the fence, or riding the fence line?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Verse of the Day - Proverbs 31:30
I thought that Solomon probably wrote this set of proverbs on "the noble woman", and I thought that made alot of sense, since he had so many women in his household, and had probably been burnt more than once by deceptive charm and fleeting beauty. But the Bible doesn't exactly say. It does start this chapter with sayings from King Lemuel's mom, though, about how a king should behave. And then we have the "noble woman" stuff. Interesting, huh?
At the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, men got the weeds and women got their wiles. Women were stricken with a desire for their husband, and he would rule over them (Genesis 3). I think this means (and I've experienced it) that there is an emotional imbalance in the man/woman relationship -- she wants him, and he sits above her emotionally, not needing her so much. And that's where the 'wiles' come in. Women so often feel the need to 'catch' a man, to grab their attention and somehow keep it, and so they use their charm and accentuate their beauty to attract the male species. And believe me, many a man has been caught and trapped by alluring eyes, beautiful hair and a curvy body.
But guess what? They don't stay that way! Age has such a devastating way of turning curves into fat and beautiful skin into wrinkled prunes. Relying on ones youthful beauty to keep a man happy is ridiculous, no matter how many trips to the botox station you make! How many aging female actresses and entertainers can you think of who have attempted to stay young through plastic surgery, and yet you look at them and think, Yuck. She really looks awful...?
The bottom line is that our exteriors are fleeting. It's fine to pay attention to the details of our skin, hair and body...and in regard to makeup, like Chuck Swindoll said many years ago, "If a barn needs painting, paint it!" :-) But our real beauty comes from our relationship with God, which builds character. And that is truly beautiful to behold.
Men, don't think this doesn't apply to you. You can have great hair and a pearly white smile and a shiny new convertible, which will catch some babes for a time, but if you don't work on your relationship with God, your character will be lacking, and your shiny exterior will fade and tarnish. What will you do then? Perhaps just sit around with a bunch of other botox'd people who try to cling to the slipping sand of youthful beauty, yet never give much attention to what's on the inside.
A woman (or man) who nurtures a strong relationship with God is more beautiful on the inside than any of America's Top Models could ever be on the outside. Focus on what lasts -- not on what fades.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Verse of the Day - James 2:1
The other day, as I walked from my office to my car, I noticed a woman ahead of me on the sidewalk, strolling along as she talked on her cellphone. I thought she must be on a break, because it was late afternoon, but she didn't look like she was going home. As I got closer, I noticed she was smoking. Ah, yes, she's probably on a break, because the hospital I work at is now a smoke-free campus.
Normally, I attempt to make eye contact with those I pass by and at least smile. But an ever-so-slight attitude crept up on me because of that cigarette. And I was going to walk on by her without trying to be friendly. Now, she was preoccupied with her phone conversation, so it would've been easy to just walk past her without any obvious snubbing. But, just as I passed by her, she looked up and smiled at me, so I smiled back. But as soon as I passed her by, my thought from God was that I'd transferred my distaste for cigarette smoke onto that person and decided to minimize her because of it. Ouch.
It's "little" things like that that God keeps revealing to me that shows me I favor people...or disfavor them. Why have I become so quick to judge others? It's really beginning to bug me. I don't think I used to be this way, but I have allowed the sin of pride and judgmentalism to enter my heart and mind, and it's a problem. Hopefully, most wouldn't notice it from the outside, as I hope I catch myself before words or actions follow my thoughts, because God is very quick on the draw to shine His spotlight on those issues. But, I really desire to strike this heart attitude from my being! I want to love people the way God loves them. I want to see them on the inside, and throw off the exteriors.
Yet, only God can do that for me. And for you. He's the only one Who can cleanse us of our sinful pride and arrogance, those heart attitudes that cause us to give special attention to those we like and snub those we decide are less than us. If we are willing, He will cut out the judgmental cancer out of our hearts and fill us with His Holy Spirit, who sees the hearts of people, instead of their habits or their hair-do's.
O to be like Thee! blessed Redeemer
This is my constant longing and prayer;
Gladly I’ll forfeit all of earth’s treasures,
Jesus, Thy perfect likeness to wear.
O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee,
Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art;
Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness;
Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart.
~ from Oh, To Be Like Thee, by Thomas Chisholm, 1897
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 73:24
Technology is truly amazing to me. Now we have global positioning system (GPS) units in cars that tell us where we are and how to get where we're going. Before you know it, you'll be able to sit back, let the car drive for you, while you get a massage and a manicure!...(please sign me up for that model!)
Our God is like our GPS, only better, because He not only gives us directions on "left, right, u-turn", He offers the arms of a Father when we need comfort, and bandages our wounds like an ER doctor. He's not just an electronic voice...He's a person, and He loves us deeply. And His heart's desire is to guide us like a father until we reach our destination: His waiting arms.
A GPS unit only works if: 1) you turn it on, and 2) you listen to what it says. Hmm...
What do you have turned on in your life to help you live a godly life? Friends? Books? Talk shows? Make sure that you test the directions you get against the Word of God, because He is the only One who knows where you're going and how best to get you there. And after you are tuned in to God, be sure to pay attention and go and do what He says. He doesn't set up roadblocks and one-ways for nothin', ya know.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Verse of the Day - Romans 15:7
I was in the grocery store yesterday and, as I was perusing through the produce section, I looked up from the Fuji apples at the people around me. And suddenly, the thought came to me, You love all these people, Lord. That lady over there...and the man over there. They were everywhere, of every different sort you could imagine. And I took my unholy spiritual lenses off my eyes and looked at them for who they really are: people created by God who loves them. God loves all of them, regardless of what they look like, how they act, where they come from, or where they're going.
We can sometimes think we've pretty much arrived in this world. We have our act together for the most part...keeping up appearances...and we can snub our noses at those that don't seem to "fit the bill" in life. If people don't fit whatever our version of "regular" and "normal" is, we raise our eyebrows and give an internal thumbs down. The 'suits' look down on the 'skaters' and the 'bikers' look down on the 'suits'....and on and on the judgmentalism goes.
Our example is Jesus, who looked at us...sinful, selfish, rebellious people...and accepted us. You could say that He was a 'suit' who chose to be best friends with a 'skater'. We are the ones who don't fit the bill. Not holy, not blameless, not worthy. And somehow, we forget who we are. We take the righteousness of Christ when we become believers, and then over time, we can sort-of assume that as our own righteousness and look down our noses at others, as if we can take any credit at all for where we stand in Jesus Christ.
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God...
I pray God will continue to open my eyes to see all people the way He sees them, and give me His grace to accept and love them they way He loves them, so that He will get the praise He deserves. I hope that is your prayer, too.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Verse of the Day - John 4:24
~ John 4:24 (NCV)
In John 1, John provides a simple prologue to the gospel of Jesus Christ:
. . . to all who did accept him and believe in him [Jesus] he gave the right to become children of God. They did not become his children in any human way—by any human parents or human desire. They were born of God.
~ John 1:12-13 (NCV)
In John 3, Jesus talks to Nicodemus and tells him that flesh gives birth to flesh and spirit gives birth to spirit. If we are not spiritually born, we are spiritually dead.
In John 4, Jesus speaks to the woman at the well and says that God is spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.
So, if you have believed in Jesus for who He is and what He's done for you on the cross, you are born again and a child of God, right? Okay, so does that mean that you worship in spirit and in truth? Hmm... Maybe, maybe not.
All I know is that even though I am spiritually alive as a believer in Jesus Christ, I don't always bring my spirit to the worship table. Some Sundays, I'm caught up in thinking of a myriad of things, and my spirit is not in my worship. I can sing the songs, listen to the sermon, pray along with the pastor...but my spirit is just not engaged. Ever feel that way?
We have the capacity to worship in spirit, because we've been born of the Spirit. But we must engage our spirit if we are going to communicate our worship on that level. And, it needs to be "in truth". To me, that means heartfelt, for real, no frills or accessories included to make you seem holier than the next guy. Just you and God. No one else in the room really matters when you are worshiping God in spirit and in truth.
Weekends are usually set aside for corporate worship in local congregations. Are we worshiping there in spirit and in truth? What I know from personal experience is that, if my daily worship is lacking, my corporate worship will reflect the same. If I have given myself to God in honest worship throughout the week, my spirit easily communes with Him in the midst of the congregation.
Worshiping God is our highest purpose and greatest pleasure, and it's available to us through the spiritual rebirth of Jesus Christ. Let's be all we can be spiritually by engaging our spirit with His spirit on a daily basis, being honest and open with the Lord, letting Him fill us with His Spirit of Truth. Then, when we meet together as a local congregation, our corporate worship will overflow and fill the sanctuary with His highest praise!
That's what I desire for myself and for my church, because that is fitting for my God. How about you?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Verse of the Day - Romans 8:35, 38
How much are believers in Jesus like the 8-month old, when the mom walks out of the room, and the baby starts crying, because of separation anxiety? They've learned object permanence by now, and now their mommy has left. They don't know where or for how long, and they begin to cry.
We tend to equate what we see and feel as the validity of God's presence. How many times have you said, or heard others say, "I just don't feel God's presence right now..."? Or, because of difficult circumstances, we say, "Where are you, God?" Like the baby, we cry out because we think or feel like God has left us.
But like a good parent who doesn't abandon their children, even if they must remove themselves from the room, God doesn't abandon us or remove His love even when we are experiencing trials and tribulations. As earthly parents must allow their children to experience life and some of the unpleasantness that goes along with that in order to develop their character, so God has divine purpose in what He allows us to experience. None of us are exempt from hardships, Paul being a prime example. Yet, he could say with confidence that God and His love are steadfast.
Today, you may be under severe trial and wondering where God and His love are. I encourage you to place your full weight on God's steadfast love for you. He hasn't left you, even if you can't feel, hear or see Him. Just as a baby grows into a toddler and begins to realize that mommy hasn't abandoned them when she walks out of the door, we need to grow up spiritually and understand God's ever-presence in our lives, as His dearly loved children.
May God bless you today as you trust God fully, regardless of circumstance.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 150:6
I'm sitting here at home, sick with a cold yet unable to sleep since my chest is all congested, and so I turned on the news. Hmm....is there really ever anything good on the news? The big news today is the national financial downturn and the politicians who are scrambling to try to rescue the country from this crisis. It's sounding bleaker and bleaker by the day.
Yet the psalmist says, "Praise the Lord!"
It's easy to say, "Praise the Lord!", when things are going well. But it challenges our faith to look to God and be filled with praise for who He is, when life is falling apart. We can become consumed with worry and stress when circumstances are bleak....sickness, relational troubles, natural disasters, recession. Do you hear many people say, "God is so good!", when the diagnosis is cancer? Most likely, we take our eyes off of God and become overwhelmed with fear.
It has long bothered me that when God answers prayer the way we ask for, then we shout, "God is good!" But when the answer is 'no', or 'cancer', or 'financial loss', we don't hear alot of people saying, "God is good!" The point is that God is always good, no matter what comes our way. Do you believe that? Can you praise Him in the storm?
I was sure by now,God,
that You would have reached down and
wiped our tears away, stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen and it's still raining...
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper
through the rain, "I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God
who gives and takes away.
And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm...
~ from Praise You in This Storm, by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms
No matter what you're going through, put feet to your faith and praise the Lord with all that is in you. He is worthy of the sacrifice of praise you offer to Him in the midst of your storms. Take your eyes off the wind and waves, and make Him your focus. And praise HIM!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Verse of the Day - 2 Peter 2:19b
If we think slavery is a thing of the past, we need to think again. Scripture says different, and if we look at our lives, we'll come to the same conclusion.
When does passion turn into obsession and slavery? Think about it...
~ A person LOVES sports -- so much so that they not only watch ESPN and ESPN2, but they pay extra to get additional sports channels, dedicated to individual sports. They're glued to the TV and consumed with sports shows. Are they chained and enslaved?
~ A person LOVES food -- they love to smell it, cook it, and eat it. They spend far too much time and money at the grocery store, in the kitchen, and at the dinner table. When they're not eating, they're thinking about eating. And their bathroom scale most likely reflects this passion. Chained and enslaved?
~ A person LOVES order and organization -- a place for everything and everything in it's place. Their home is meticulously neat and tidy. They can't rest if even one dirty dish is left in the sink, or there's even a speck of paper on the floor. Constantly cleaning, even into the wee hours when most folks are sleeping. Do you think this person thinks they're enslaved, or free?
What we allow to overcome us enslaves us. Yet that swings both ways. If we allow the Holy Spirit to overcome us, we become enslaved to God, being consumed with His will and purpose, thinking of Him constantly, addicted to the Lord. That's the kind of slavery we should be after! But, alas, we so often allow other influences to be our masters, and we end up dragging the chains of discontent around, while still trying to be a contented God-follower.
Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus... ~ Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT)
Let's examine ourselves and see what and/or who has their chains on us. Is it God, or something else? Anything less than being a slave to the Lord is just carrying around dead weight.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Verse of the Day - 1 Peter 2:1
Not long ago, I got caught starting up some very unkind speech with a friend toward a stranger at a public place. Actually, because this stranger looked and acted differently than we did, several were making side comments about this person. Sometime later, I joined in by speaking to a friend about the stranger. Get this: I even prefaced my initial comment with, "Now tell me if this would be gossip..." and then proceeded to talk badly about the stranger. Gee, do you think my gossip comment should've given me a clue?!?
It turned ugly when the stranger overheard some or most of what was being said and did not take it lightly or kindly. Very ugly remarks were later said to my friend, who bore the brunt of my bad behavior. I felt so awful. Not only had my friend been hurt, but I had made that stranger feel bad. And I had hurt Christ's credibility. Because, you see, this was at the church bowling league I'm a part of.
Boy, did the Lord pick me up by the collar and haul me into the alley on that one! I couldn't go to sleep that night for the Scripture that flooded my mind, convicting me rightly for my bad attitude and behavior toward this stranger, and for the damage that it caused relationally. Of course, my voice must've carried louder than I thought, but even if I'd whispered, it would've been wrong. Even if the stranger had not heard a word, it would've been wrong. I judged this person unfairly and slandered them to another. Oh my goodness, girl, what were you thinking?
The day after this incident, 1 Peter 2:1 was one of the verses that popped up that I peruse each morning. I just couldn't use it for VOTD. My heart couldn't really express what happened. But today it popped back up again from another website, so I felt the Lord leading me to share my story.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we must be extremely on guard in our attitudes toward others, especially of those who don't know Jesus. If we don't keep our attitudes in check and our hearts clean, we will eventually spew garbage out of our mouths that can do great harm! And that damages/destroys relationships, and tarnishes Jesus' name to unbelievers. Yuck.
With our tongues, we praise God and curse men (James 3:9), and it's a cryin' shame. I asked forgiveness from my friend for the evil I shared and the negative fallout that occurred, but I didn't get a chance to apologize to the stranger. That could get me a punch in the face, but that's okay -- I would deserve it. If I have opportunity to see this person again, I pray God will give me strength to humbly ask their forgiveness for my un-Christlike behavior.
I ask you to join me in keeping a close watch on our tongues. And moreso, our hearts -- because out of the overflow of our hearts, our mouths speak (Luke 6:45).
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Verse of the Day - James 3:13
In the animated movie, "Cars", superstar racecar 'Lightning McQueen' wows speedway fans as a rookie who races to a 3-way tie for a very prestigious racing cup.

His ego couldn't be much higher, with all the flashbulbs going off and all the girl cars in the crowd vying for his attention. But when he has to travel cross-country to California for a race-off to determine the final winner, and gets lost in a little town called "Radiator Springs" on Route 66, he gets a much-needed dose of humility. No one in Radiator Springs has ever heard of Lightning McQueen! He gets hauled into traffic court for literally tearing up the town upon his arrival, and they throw the book at him! He's forced to pull the massive road paver machine to fix the road that he tore up, the road that is vital to visitors...any visitors...coming to their town, now that the Interstate has turned it into a ghost town. Lightning doesn't swallow his humility pill very well at first, and it takes him a while to realize he's been selfish and prideful and uncaring about the town cars around him. In the end, though, he gets wise and performs some deeds in true humility, to be a help to the town, instead of a hindrance. With the help of his new friends, he goes on to California to race but learns that being real and knowing who you're real supporters are and stickin' with 'em is worth more than fancy sponsorships and being a prideful showoff.
Good stuff, my friends.
Wisdoms says, "You're not all that and a bag of chips. You're one among billions that are given life by God to love Him and serve Him. Don't think you're too good to help other people. Recognize that God loves all humanity and desires His children to have a loving, giving heart just like Him. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you need to 'represent'!"
It's very easy for us to think that something is "some one else's job". Why isn't it your job? Would Jesus look at trash on the sidewalk and just walk on by? Would He see an elderly person struggling to carry their groceries and not lift a finger to help them? Would He think it's demeaning to scrub toilets and take out the trash? Hmm...
Humility is best swallowed with a glass of wisdom, instead of a glass of humiliation. May we be mindful of who we are, and who we're not, and may our deeds of humility point to Jesus, our model of humility, who touched the lepers, held the children, cooked the fish, and carried the cross. He is our ultimate role model.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Verse of the Day - Philippians 4:12
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
~ Philippians 4:12 (NIV)
I read an e-news article today about the people of Zimbabwe being in such poverty that they are resorting to eating their pets. And the vets are running out of drugs to euthanize those pets who are abandoned because people won't eat them, but can't afford to feed them. They reference "acute shortages of food, and inflation at an astonishing 25,000 percent." Does your heart cry out for these people? It should.
I've often wondered how people who suffer in poverty like that can come to know Jesus. Don't they wonder, "If God loves me, why am I starving? Why are my children dying before my very eyes?"
And yet, the Holy Spirit calls people to seek God. And He uses His children to bring help and hope. Read on, from another news source...
This African nation has the world's highest inflation rate, even at the official estimate of 4,500 percent. Unofficially, independent economists in Europe say inflation rates are as high as 11,000 percent and rising. The U.S. Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Christopher Dell, estimates the inflation rate will rise to well over 1.5 million percent before December.
"People can't survive like this," says a Christian aid worker. "Even people who have jobs have a hard time buying food. That is the situation in Zimbabwe now. The churches must respond to this crisis." According to the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, churches are now involved.
Ray Motsi, pastor of Central Baptist Church in Bulawayo, says his church members really didn't have a choice in responding to the needs of their fellow countrymen: the needs walked through the door one Sunday. It happened two years ago, after Operation Clean up the Trash, when the government demolished homes that were allegedly built illegally. Those left without a home or a job were forced back to the villages with no way to support themselves.
"The community literally walked into our church. We didn't go to them," Motsi says. "We never planned to go to them, but God had other plans for us. He wanted His church to become the oasis of life in a crisis. It's a task we are still learning."
Churches across Zimbabwe report hundreds of people coming to them each week with needs ranging from school fees to medicine and food. The Christian aid worker says at least 50 people show up on her doorstep every day. The program she directs has the means to help only around 15 people per day. She offers a clinic to help with basic medical needs, as well as a twice-a-week feeding project. The program also helps widows taking care of orphans with rent and basic food. "By far, the greatest problem is meeting day-to-day needs for the average Zimbabwean," the Christian aid worker says.
"The church has always been more concerned about salvation and tithing, but are we limiting God when the church functions like that?" Motsi asks. "God deals with the nations. He feeds the poor and heals the sick. He wants the nation of Zimbabwe for His purpose and glory. God is redefining the role of the church in Zimbabwe."
Cross and other pastors agree. Most churches have an ever-expanding social ministry program, relying on God to meet their basic needs every day. Cross says the church also must be an example to the rest of the nation for not only meeting physical needs but how to "move on" with life. His church is home to many from the two warring political parties in Zimbabwe.
"We have members of the two political parties in our church. We try to show that the two parties can fellowship together," Cross says. "The only hope for our nation is unity through Jesus Christ." (http://mnnonline.org/article/10117)
Praying for their country - A young man above prays for the "brain drain" in Zimbabwe as many people have left the country in search of jobs and stability. Churches throughout Zimbabwe have been called to lift their country up in prayer. Many reserve a special time in each service for prayer for their country's recovery and revival. (IMB) PHOTO
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Contentment in all circumstances...please pray for the believers in Zimbabwe, that they can show their unsaved countrymen what Jesus can do for their heart needs, as they minister to their physical needs as best as they can.
I confess...I had no idea today's devotional would take this turn, and I'm certainly not being paid to solicit funds for African aid. But my eyes were opened today, as I delved into this tragedy in just one country in Africa. How many more around the world are in the same boat? Too many to count.
And how does our contentment meter read? I think that, more than likely, we in middle-income America are more than spoiled. We can become discontent at the least insufficiency, for things that don't have anything to do with basic life necessities.
What?!? Where is my Weather Channel? You mean the cable company wants me to pay $5 more per month for this now?!?!
I'm getting tired of my grocery store. They don't carry my favorite "43-grain, non-fat, 7-calories-per-slice" bread anymore! 74 types of bread on the shelves, and they can't squeeze in my favorite kind?!?! Hmph...
Yet, in Zimbabwe...
If you bought a loaf of bread for 50 cents last year, it now costs around $1,125. Or more likely, you'd end up spending $2,750 at the unofficial inflation rate found in most stores.
God wants to fill up our desires with His desires, staying focused on Kingdom issues and concerns. When we lay down our lives for Christ, His agenda becomes our primary concern. Our wants and needs take a back seat, and we accept what He provides for us. This takes discipline, in order to "keep the main thing the main thing."
Paul ends his thought with this: "I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." Do we really stand on this premise, or do we throw in the towel when inconvenience and obstacles get in our way? Are we learning steadfastness, or flightiness?
How about this: Try fasting for a meal, and praying for Zimbabwe's people. Or go to your pantry and fill up a grocery bag of food, and take it to someone you know who needs it in your community. Begin to experience contentment in Christ, as you seek to serve Him by caring for the hurting world.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Verse of the Day - Galatians 6:9
This verse has special significance to me, but not as you might think.
Many years ago, I became very weary in the midst of a difficult marriage. And I remember the day that I said to someone, "I'm tired of being good." It seemed that being and doing good was getting me no where in my marriage. I was miserable and wishing for something to fill up my emotional holes.
That was a turning point for me, in a bad way. I began to make sinful choices to get my needs met, and it led me down a very destructive path. What I thought would make me feel better actually made me feel worse, and I reaped some very negative consequences, within me and without.
The verses prior to today's verse really set the stage and need to be heeded...
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
~ Galations 6:7-8 (NIV)
I knew these verses and their truth, but I got weary. Weary of not seeing results of my "doing good". And in my weariness, I gave up and swallowed the lie that "pleasing the sinful nature" would serve me better than doing good. Bad choice, my friends, bad choice.
As believers in Jesus, we're called to walk by faith -- to follow His leading in godly living, sowing seeds of righteousness and holiness, regardless of whether we see the harvest, or not. And we need to understand and accept God's order in spiritual living -- what we sow, we reap. Period. You can lie to yourself and think you can sow sin and reap blessing, but God can't be mocked. You will reap what you sow. You don't plant weed seeds and end up with ripe tomatoes...you just get weeds.
If you are weary of doing good, please seek the Lord for your strength. Don't give up doing good and fall into the trap of sowing sin seeds to reap whatever harvest you're after. Realign yourself with the Lord and His purposes. And then trust God - He will provide a godly harvest in His perfect time.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 112:7
~ Psalm 112:7 (NIV)
All right -- a show of hands...how many of you avoid going to the doctor because you're afraid of bad news? How 'bout the dentist? the car mechanic? your tax man?
You see the signs that something's wrong...
~ a pain in your stomach that just won't go away
~ that nagging tooth ache that flairs when you chew
~ a 'clunk-clunk' from your car engine that sounds like trouble
~ a letter that comes in the mail from the IRS stamped, "URGENT - OPEN IMMEDIATELY!"
...and you push the WORRY button faster than a speeding bullet. Am I right? Are any of us immune to the WORRY button when the potential for bad news hits us?
The Bible says that the person who trusts the Lord doesn't fear bad news. And there's that word steadfast again. I LOVE that word! It's so solid and committed. The picture of this person is one who clings tightly to God, not being swayed by externals, but believing in the One who loves them faithfully. They refuse to get derailed by circumstances that threaten their peace.
You might say, Yeah, that's fine, but you don't know what I'm going through. And you're right -- I probably don't. But God does, and He says, If you trust Me completely, I will do a mighty work in your heart and mind, giving you a peace that passes all human understanding. Cancer, divorce, hurricanes, death -- none of these can separate you from Me -- what else, really, is there to be afraid of, huh? And when you do trust Me, you are My witness, a picture of what it looks like to overcome the trials of this life without falling apart through My strength.
So the question is: Do you really trust God, or not?
If you do trust Him, just keep clinging steadfastly to Him. Look into His loving eyes when circumstances beg for you to worry. Remember Who He is and His almighty power, and trust that He knows what He's doing.
If you don't trust Him, you can just keep worrying and stressing about bad news, trying to avoid the sometimes-inevitable. Go ahead and try to rely on your own devices and ingenuity to fix whatever's going wrong without losing your mind. But I guarantee you that living life without trusting God becomes a very scary, precarious way to live, because neither you nor any person on this earth has control of life. That's a charade and a farce. And believing it is a tragedy.
God is challenging you to stand on the cliff of trust, looking into life's ocean waters below. He says Do you trust Me? Can you cliff-dive in your daily life, trusting and believing in Me (not your own strength) to lead you safely to the bottom and through the waters? Can you take your eyes off of the rocks and the waves, and trust Me?
The choice is yours. Make it a good one, for your sake.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Verse of the Day - Philippians 1:3
~ Philippians 1:3 (NIV)
I have a large tile back splash behind the kitchen sink in my house, and I've taped a variety of stuff on it, to look at while I work in the kitchen: thank you notes, post cards, and pictures of various folks. This morning as I made the coffee, I looked up at a great picture of my step-sister and her family...and it caused me to say a little prayer for them, with some things that have been going on in their life. I was a little surprised that God grabbed me like that, but I was glad. So then I scanned the rest of the pics and thought, What a great thing to do to pray for people when I see their picture!
God has a way of bringing people to our minds through a variety of ways, doesn't He? Sometimes you get an email or phone call from them. Or you see their picture. Or maybe you have a random thought of them in the middle of the day that comes out of nowhere! God has a reason for their entry into your heart and mind -- don't waste the moment...pray for them! You may or may not have specifics at the time, but the Lord knows all about them. Lift them up to our God who is the Great Provider and Protector. And then, if you're able, just let them know the Lord brought them to mind and you prayed for them. Those words can be tremendous encouragement to them, to know someone cared -- and will perhaps allow some dialogue that can help you pray more specifically next time.
God has blessed us with a circle of friends and family (biological and spiritual) that are uniquely ours, people who help shape the history of our lives. Thank God for the people in your life, for those He brings to mind moment by moment. And then, lift them back up to God in prayer, seeking His best for them in whatever they may be facing. When you're able to connect with them again, rejoice together as you see what God is doing in and through them. It's a beautiful partnership!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 119:111
We all come from different backgrounds and cultures that make up what we call our heritage. You may come from a wealthy family with "old money"...or from a blue-collar working family who "got by". Your cultural roots may tie you to America, Mexico or Russia...or anywhere in between. But there is something that ties all believers together into a heritage that lasts forever -- God's word.
Many who don't know God think that His word is shackling and heavy, a burden to bear instead of a joy to the heart. (Reminds me of the old song..."Sixteen Tons...whaddaya get? Another day older and deeper in debt...St. Peter don't ya call me 'cuz I can't go, I owe my soul to the company store....") They haven't been freed in Jesus to understand God and His heart. They haven't tasted the Lord and found that He is good.
His ways are a good heritage --
My daughter wrote a college paper recently where she remarked that she was learning some things about life, like how treating people the way you want to be treated and showing respect toward others really is a good way to live, and not just some meaningless stuff she heard from her parents as a child. I gently reminded her that that was in the Bible, from Jesus, and she laughed and said, "Duh, Mom, I'm not stupid. I mean, I was raised in the church..." :-)
As believers in Jesus Christ, we have roots that go all the way down to the Ancient of Days, to the Alpha and the Omega. God's word is a good heritage -- His ways are the right ways, and they lead to life, providing a framework that steers people to holiness and peace. They protect and defend us, and help us to be what God has designed His kingdom to be.
So are we tapping into our godly inheritance, or letting it collect dust, like some old property deed in a musty lockbox? Do we treasure and embrace the gift of His word that He's handed down to us, or is it just a prop that you carry when you enter the doors of your church once a week? Hmm...
If you are a God follower, be sure you're tapping into the heritage that your heavenly Father has given His children. Store up His word in your heart and meditate on His ways. Allow your roots to go down deep into the heart of your Creator, and soak up all the soul nutrients you can. It leads to life and joy and peace.
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. ~ Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Verse of the Day - Isaiah 46:4
Those of us who are under the age of, say 60, can be rather critical of senior adults, when they drive too slow, or take too long paying in line, or don't hear what you said...three times. But I always say, "Be careful how you talk about old people -- one day you'll be one!"
God cares for us through all the ages of our lives, and He made sure to let us know through His word that we matter to Him, even when our bodies don't work like they used to, and our minds are even worse. He still loves us and carries us through our golden years -- years that often don't feel very golden.
Nursing homes are filled with old folks who look lost, alone, and afraid. They are dependent on others to feed and clothe them, to do simple things like get out of a chair or brush their hair. How hard that must be to endure when they used to be so vibrant! And the younger set can tend to minimize their lives, as "over the hill", "beyond their prime", or tragically, an inconvenience.
Or what about those in our churches who are sometimes affectionately called "the silver saints"? Does the younger set diminish them because they don't worship the same way? If they don't clap their hands and dance in their church service, does that mean they're just "ol' fuddy duddies" or "crusty crabs"? We need to be very careful how we think about those silver saints, because God has them in His hands, just as much as the Boomers and Next-ers.
Forgive us, Lord, for not loving senior adults and the elderly the way You do. Help us to show respect as we would desire respect, and to show your love to them in tangible ways . . . with a hug, a smile, or a card. Thank You, God, for reminding us that You love and care for them...and let us never forget that, if you grant us a long life, we will be them one day.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Verse of the Day - Lamentations 3:25
~ Lamentations 3:25 (NLT)
Have you ever leaned on something you thought was dependable, only to find out it wasn't? Maybe it was a railing...or a computer hard drive...or a friend. You trusted and leaned on it/them to support your weight -- and ended up bruised, frustrated, and disillusioned.
We need to be careful where we place our weight, because many things in this life can't or won't hold us. But God is the great Weight-Bearer. Anyone who depends and trusts and leans on Him will always be supported! His listening ears and strong arms will never fail us or let us down. He always gives wise counsel, comforting words, and loving guidance. You never have to worry that He's not strong enough, too busy, or infected with a virus :-)
This verse also talks about our seeking after Him. Are we seeking after Him daily, or only when we get in a bind? Depending on Him when we're stuck in a jam is very different than seeking His face every day, in the good, the bad and the ugly. God wants daily with us. And we need daily with Him.
Depend on the Lord to hold you up each and every day, because He is faithful and trustworthy to love you with His everlasting love.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Verse of the Day - Psalm 51:1-2
Wow. I'm always amazed at how God threads together themes that He wants us to stand up and take notice of. Yesterday at church, the sermon was on the 10 lepers who asked Jesus for mercy and were cleansed, and only one came back and thanked Him. Our Sunday School lesson was on mercy and forgiveness (Matthew 21:18-35), and we discussed how a forgiving heart understands his own sinfulness and the mercy that God has given him; therefore, he is able to put that into perspective and recognize the fault toward him is tiny in comparison.
And now this verse -- David asking God for mercy and cleansing from his sin. Recognizing his faults as grievous to a holy God, and falling at His feet, asking for mercy --not because David did so many other great things in his life that they should cancel out his sin, but because of God's great love and compassion on him, a sinner.
Do we really understand our sinfulness? Do we really grasp how wretched we are, apart from God's cleansing? We ask for mercy when we have sinned against Him, the Holy God of the universe, and He does...just like the master did for the servant in Matthew 21. And then we often get up like that servant and refuse to have mercy and forgiveness on others in our lives who fault us...which can never compare to our sin against God. Or we get off our knees after receiving mercy from God, and never look back and even thank Him for His mercy.
Do we really understand the depths of our own depravity?
Until we do, we will have a less-than-grateful heart toward God for His love that forgives and His power that cleanses our filthy souls, and we'll have a less-than-merciful heart toward others who sin against us.
We also sang a song yesterday that so beautifully tied in with this theme...
Jesus, I've forgotten the words that You have spoken
Promises that burned within my heart have now grown dim
With a doubting heart I follow the paths of earthly wisdom
Forgive me for my unbelief
Renew the fire again...
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy on me
I have built an altar where I worship things of men
I have taken journeys that have drawn me far from You
Now I am returning to Your mercies ever flowing
Pardon my transgressions
Help me love You again...
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy on me
I have longed to know You and Your tender mercies
Like a river of forgiveness ever flowing without end
I bow my heart before You in the goodness of Your presence
Your grace forever shining
Like a beacon in the night...
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy on me
~ Lord Have Mercy, by Steve Merkel
Let us see ourselves as we really are and bow humbly before God as we seek His mercy...then thank Him with a sincere heart for His forgiveness and soul healing. And then go out and be like our heavenly Father...with mercy and forgiveness toward others.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Verse of the Day - 1 Corinthians 16:14
Four little words, but what a commitment punch they pack!
Everything, Lord? Do everything in love? But what about when that guy cuts me off on the freeway...am I just supposed to let that slide --"in love"? Or when I catch my co-workers talking behind my back...am I just supposed to smile at them -- "in love"?
...and the game show Host says, "If you answered 'yes' to all these questions, you WIN! Tell them, Jerry, what they've won..."
Everything we do should be done in love, and that is a tall order! No wonder Paul spent an entire chapter of this book discussing it! (read 1 Corinthians 13--often called 'the love chapter' http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%2013;&version=31;)
Not only how we treat people who misuse us, but what our thoughts and motives are for why we do things. How many times have you been asked to do something in front of a group, and instead of it being about how you can assist/minister to them, it becomes about you and how well you do, and what they think of you? Is that serving in love?
Loving God, loving others. That's what Jesus reiterated as the consummation of the law of God (Matthew 22:36-40). And, no, you don't win a trip to Tahiti or a new car when you practice love in all things, but you do win God's smile and a vibrant relationship with Him. Jesus told us in John 15 that obeying His commands is how we stay connected to Him and experience a love relationship with Him, the true vine. And then He breaks it down to simplicity -- twice. "This is my command (singular): Love each other."
Love is what fills God's heart. And believers in Christ have Him living inside of us. Therefore, we have the resources to love as God loves -- sacrificially and unconditionally. Think you can't? Well, I guarantee that if you're willing for self to step off the podium and allow God to be in charge, you'll be amazed at how His love pours through you . . . in thoughts, motives, word and deed. And when we love, we are spotlighting God's heart to the world, for all to see! Shouldn't that be our goal?
Sometimes practicing love is easy...with your dog, your best friend, your favorite activity. But sometimes it is so hard...with that cranky neighbor, the slow grocery checker, doing that chore that you absolutely hate and complain about every time you have to do it.
So here's a challenge today: do everything in love. Whatever it is, whoever it's with -- do it in love. And not with just a cheesy, "I-don't-really-mean-it-even-though-I'm-smiling" smile -- with true love from God's Spirit. Ask God to help you be the love light that shines on Him.
When it gets tough to do, that's when the love light shines the brightest, because any unbelieving Joe Blow can love when it's easy. It's when life gets hard that love stands out.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Verse of the Day - Hebrews 1:3a
~ Hebrews 1:3a (NIV)
I think sometimes we forget all that Jesus is. Yes, we understand that He walked the earth and taught us many things. Yes, He came to die for our sins. Yes, He rose on the third day and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. Yes, to all those things, and they are huge on their own -- because He is God. And for God to bend down to earth to touch our tears with real hands and hold our hurts with real arms is mind-boggling...and humbling.
But Jesus is also the Creator AND Sustainer of this world! Everything in nature was created by HIM! The rocks and trees, the sun and moon, every flower that has EVER bloomed on this planet -- all created by Jesus! John declares this right up front in his gospel of Jesus . . .
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. ~ John 1:3 (NIV)
And the writer of Hebrews declares that He holds all things together, as Sustainer of the universe! Do you know that if Jesus spoke the word, the sun could shift a fraction, and we'd all either burn up or freeze to death? If He gave the word, gravity could cease to exist, and we'd be launched into space! That is HUGE! It just causes me to pause, as I recognize that I sometimes put Jesus in a little box that says Holy Bible -- Red Letter Edition.
The Son is the radiance of God's glory . . .
Our worship team is bringing a new song to our congregation this Sunday, called "Cover the Earth", that's been running through my mind since rehearsal last night. It goes like this...
Let me be an instrument
To exalt and to extend
Jesus’ name globally
As the waters cover the sea
Open the heavens O Lord
And pour out Your Spirit
Let me speak what You say
Let the sound prepare the way
Kingdom come globally
As the waters cover the sea
Open the heavens O Lord
Pour out Your Spirit
Cover the earth with Your glory
Cover the earth with Your glory
Cover the earth with the sound of heaven . . .
~ Cover the Earth, by Israel Houghton
Just as Jesus has His hand on the mighty seas and the waves that crash on the sand, so He has His hand on His people, moving them in a mighty way by His Spirit to extend the glory of God over all the earth!
The Great Sustainer holds the universe together, holds His church together, and holds us individually together -- all for the glory of God! May we glorify and praise His name today and every day, as we love and serve Him Who holds all things together by His great love and mercy.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Verse of the Day - Proverbs 13:11
(ya know, it's a funny thing -- guess what happens when one forgets to set their alarm clock? duh -- they don't wake up until they only have 15 minutes before having to leave for work. Yeah, you guessed it -- that was me this morning. So, please allow me to replay VOTD from 9/5/07 for today. Thanks!....Joelene)
The New Living Translation (NLT) says it this way...
Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.
Money is money, right? I mean, if you have $1,000 in your hands, right now, it doesn't really matter how you aquired it, from a monetary standpoint. It's still $1,000. So how does it either disappear quickly, or grow over time? How does the method of acquisition affect the end result?
I think God made us human beings to appreciate hard work. Because God appreciates hard work. He doesn't like lazy. It gives the attitude that others should do things for me, and allow me to couchpotato. It creates burden for some, and lack of responsibility for others. When we work hard, we feel good about it, and definitely appreciate the outcome more than if someone handed the outcome to us on a silver platter. Just ask any parent of a teenager...
It is one of the seven wonders of the teenage world that when you give them $200 for school clothes, they come back from the mall with a pair of jeans and two t-shirts! But make them use their own money, and let me tell you -- it's a whole new ball game! All of a sudden, "$100 for a pair of jeans is a lot of money, Mom..." The light bulb begins to brighten as they start to understand "the value of a dollar" (as our parents and grandparents used to say), after they worked 2-3 full days at the local fast-food joint to earn that money. Suddenly, priorities change, and what seemed so important to buy when it was mom and dad's money, isn't so important now when digging into their own wallet.
So, when we become adults, do we learn this lesson, or do we continue to fall into this mentality? Take credit, for example. Businesses constantly lure us with "no money down, no payments til 2011!", and other incentives to buy their product on credit. But it can be such a trap from several vantage points. First, we probably don't need whatever it is they're selling. Second, the minimum payment schedule and interest rate will shackle you for YEARS! (please don't think that businesses are so benevolent that they just want to help you have beautiful furniture at great rates because they are such nice guys ... not on your life! they are out to make $$$).
I look at those who have made a lot of money in a short period of time....lottery winners, movie stars, professional athletes. So much money for relatively little effort. I say 'relatively', because I realize that movie stars and athletes do work hard...no doubt...but the exhorbitent compensation cannot possibly match the work output. When an NBA star gets a $1,000,000 signing bonus, what has he done for that money, except hold a pen and sign his name? It is definitely "easy money". And what do people often do with 'easy money'? Spend it! Often very quickly and recklessly. Why? Because it didn't cost them anything. A new sports car? Sure! A gambling spree in Monte Carlo? Why not?!?
Those who lived through the Great Depression of the 1930's are a great example of a people group that know the value of a dollar. An entire generation was subject to great hardship, with no income, little-to-no food, and less hope. Every day was a trial to put food on the table, to find work, to try to keep your family together without having to ship off your children to relatives in other cities or states just to survive. So when we see this generation scrimp and save to this very day, it is because they know what hard work is and how valuable their few resources are.
Working hard for what we have is a good thing. It gives us proper perspective and helps us prioritize our wants and our needs. We're more apt to save, rather than squander, when it has cost us blood, sweat and tears. But God also cautions us on how tightly we hold onto our wallets. He calls us to give to the poor and needy, to be generous with what we have. It is a divine paradox that as we are faithful to God in meeting the needs of others, our needs are met. (not our wants, mind you, but our needs.) Don't let your blood, sweat and tears glue your wallet shut. Remember that all you have is because of God's provision for you. Proverbs 11:25 says, "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
So, as the Capital One commercial says, "What's in your wallet?" It is God's desire that it contains hard work and a generous spirit. (psst...does this mean it's open on both ends? hmm...something to think about...)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Verse of the Day - 1 John 4:9
~ 1 John 4:9 (NIV)
It's hard to believe that we are living the film, "The Night of the Living Dead", but we are...so to speak. Although most of humanity isn't running around trying to consume each other for dinner as some zombie films portray, those who have not come to know Jesus as their Savior are "the walking dead". No single human being has spiritual life apart from God's gift of love in Jesus Christ. Although we all breathe air and physically live, it is a half-life....a dead life....without God.
Those who don't know Jesus don't realize their spirits are dead -- they think they're alive, just like the zombies in horror films. Jesus was very clear in John 3 when he talked with Nicodemus...
Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' ~ John 3:5-7 (NIV)
My pastor has said, "'Lost' people don't know they're lost." And the walking dead don't really know they're dead. So, for those of us who have been born of the Spirit through faith in Jesus, how do we help "the walking dead" realize that they're dead, so that we can offer them life through Jesus? Hmm....good question.
Many people live and breathe apart from God and seem perfectly content. They think livin' is pretty good! They don't see their need for God or a "savior" -- Save from what? they say. For those, I say simply live your Christian life before them. You can talk til you're blue in the face about how 'lost' they are, how spiritually dead they are -- but it probably will run off like water on a duck's back. Or like seed sown on a desert floor.
But if we are sensitive to others around us, we will hear the heart-cry of people who are coming to realize they are lost and spiritually dead...
~ When this physical life finally lets them down and the pleasure and thrills are gone, they're left hanging with nothing but a boatload of disillusion and doubt . . .
~ When their attempts at spirituality through human effort don't assuage their guilt and spiritual emptiness, they're left wondering what it takes to be whole and complete on the inside . . .
Do you hear the cries of the walking dead?
If you have Jesus in your heart, you have the contentment for their disillusion. You have the filler for their emptiness. You have the purpose for their purposelessness. He is it! Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
Let's have our ears and eyes open today to the walking dead that "live" among us. Let's be sensitive to their cries for help, and offer them real hope and help in God's love, through His Son.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Verse of the Day - Isaiah 48:17
~ Isaiah 48:17 (NIV)
There are some things that are pretty basic when it comes to knowing what is best for us. Things like not playing on the freeway and keeping fingers and toes away from hot, burning coals. (those were free, in case any of you were in question...
:-). Less obvious, but pretty common knowledge, are other things -- eating fried foods and sweets sparingly, exercising regularly, driving the speed limit to avoid a speeding ticket (hence the name...). But I am amazed at myself, as well as others, at how often we choose what's not best for us. It's as if we put on our personal dunce cap and run around in life like the TV-fabled Steve Erkel, saying, "Did I do that....?"

Last night, after I'd already had dinner AND brushed my teeth, I was called away to sub on a bowling league, which ended after 9:30pm. I was not hungry, but the munchie trigger was saying that something to eat seemed appropriate before going to bed. Believe it or not, I really wrestled with whether or not to stop at a fast food restaurant on my way home. I knew what was best for me -- God has been teaching me for a long time -- but my flesh wasn't sure it wanted to listen. So I prayed and asked God to give me strength to fight the temptation. And He was faithful to give me strength, as I drove past McDonald's and Taco Bell.
Sometimes we just don't have good sense when it comes to what is best for us, so God is there to teach us. Sometimes we just don't want to do what's best for us, so God is there to counsel us. But if we're not listening to His voice, we're liable to end up playing on a hot bed of coals on the freeway with french fries in one hand and a burrito in the other!
God loves us so much, and truly desires what is best for us. He stands ready to offer wisdom and counsel, but we must admit it -- we're often so self-destructive in our choices when we don't listen and learn from Him. Like the old saying goes, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him take his vitamins...." Oh, sorry -- is that not how the old saying goes? ;-)
Like I've said before, God is always speaking. He's always instructing...and guiding...and loving us. We are wise to listen and obey. It beats playing on the freeway, that's for sure!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Verse of the Day - Proverbs 24:3-4
Yesterday, I had a power outage at my house, right as I was beginning to watch a movie. Ugh! Okay, I thought, Now what? I sat there for a minute or two and then the power kicked back on. Whew! As I went to the kitchen and began to reset the coffee pot clock, BAM! Out again! Sheesh. So I sat back on the couch with the TV remote and just began to think. Can't cook dinner, can't watch TV, can't even surf the internet (I tried, but--DUH--my modem and router are powered, even if my laptop has a battery). I just sat there and realized that all my gadgets were useless in a flash. My home is so dependent on electricity, that without it, I'm a fish out of water.
We can have all the amenities in our homes that life has to offer, but without the energy to run them, it is a hollow showcase. So, too, is a home without wisdom, knowledge and understanding. These are the true building blocks for a home, not fancy furniture and decorative landscaping. Perhaps you know someone who owns a very posh home, yet their family is a mess, where arguments prevail and there is no peace, where kids are left to their own devices while parents pursue their own selfish interests, where money (and the accumulation thereof) is more important than relationships. Maybe you know someone, or maybe that someone is you.
The source of wisdom, knowledge and understanding is God. So if we come to realize that these are the things that build a solid home, then we need to go to God. He is the one that helps us realize that material possessions don't make a home. He is the one who helps us turn off that TV and go play outside with our kids. He is the one who helps us realize our need to turn our hearts toward Him in thanks for all that He provides for us, and to teach our kids to do the same. He is the one who teaches us to be generous with what we have, not hoarding our wealth, but helping those in need.
Work hard to gain the things that really build a strong and beautiful home. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding . . . better than any surround-sound home theater, gourmet kitchen or luxury backyard.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Verse of the Day - 1 John 2:6
A very popular "campaign" started a few years ago, complete with jewelry, key chains, and bumper stickers. WWJD? What Would Jesus Do?
That's actually not a bad filter to use when going through our days being a Christ follower in this world we live in, (albeit the phrase has possibly been over-spoken yet under-utilized). But you won't know what Jesus would do, unless you know what Jesus did do while here on this earth. (psst...that means you need to read the gospels in your Bible... :-)
Jesus was and is the Word of God made flesh (John 1:14) and the exact representation of God (Hebrews 1:3). If we say we follow God, we must follow Jesus. He gave us innumerable examples of God's heart by living it out, day in and day out on this earth -- with people just like you and me and those we live and work with. God's heart was poured out through the life of Jesus, and if we say we are His followers, then we need to follow.
Matthew 5-7 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible -- talk about WWJD! http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205-7;&version=51;
But emulating Jesus' life and ways seems a very tall order, doesn't it? Do you often feel intimated and defeated, even before trying? Of course you do! Trying on your own to be like Christ is like trying to cross the Atlantic in a canoe -- does the word "capsize" come to mind?!? ;-) But God, in His love and grace, does not ask us to do anything without providing us the tools necessary. Enter Stage Right: The Holy Spirit, who is more long-standing than "Cats" on Broadway! Jesus Christ Himself gives to all of His followers His Spirit, to challenge us, strengthen us, and mould us into imitators of Himself, our Savior. To walk as He walked and talk as He talked. We are not alone in our desire and quest for godliness -- Jesus walks and talks with us, helping us to be what God has called us to be, children of God pointing others to Him.
If we love Jesus and truly desire to be His disciple and learn from Him, we will study His ways, listen to His Spirit, and turn our will over to the Father -- so that, as we walk this planet, we can live as Jesus lived.
We can talk a great talk, but as the Word says, the proof is in the doing...
We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. ~ 1 John 2:3-5
"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other. ~ John 15:9-17 (NIV)