Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Verse of the Day - James 3:13

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. ~ James 3:13 (NIV)


In the animated movie, "Cars", superstar racecar 'Lightning McQueen' wows speedway fans as a rookie who races to a 3-way tie for a very prestigious racing cup.

His ego couldn't be much higher, with all the flashbulbs going off and all the girl cars in the crowd vying for his attention. But when he has to travel cross-country to California for a race-off to determine the final winner, and gets lost in a little town called "Radiator Springs" on Route 66, he gets a much-needed dose of humility. No one in Radiator Springs has ever heard of Lightning McQueen! He gets hauled into traffic court for literally tearing up the town upon his arrival, and they throw the book at him! He's forced to pull the massive road paver machine to fix the road that he tore up, the road that is vital to visitors...any visitors...coming to their town, now that the Interstate has turned it into a ghost town. Lightning doesn't swallow his humility pill very well at first, and it takes him a while to realize he's been selfish and prideful and uncaring about the town cars around him. In the end, though, he gets wise and performs some deeds in true humility, to be a help to the town, instead of a hindrance. With the help of his new friends, he goes on to California to race but learns that being real and knowing who you're real supporters are and stickin' with 'em is worth more than fancy sponsorships and being a prideful showoff.

Good stuff, my friends.

Wisdoms says, "You're not all that and a bag of chips. You're one among billions that are given life by God to love Him and serve Him. Don't think you're too good to help other people. Recognize that God loves all humanity and desires His children to have a loving, giving heart just like Him. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you need to 'represent'!"

It's very easy for us to think that something is "some one else's job". Why isn't it your job? Would Jesus look at trash on the sidewalk and just walk on by? Would He see an elderly person struggling to carry their groceries and not lift a finger to help them? Would He think it's demeaning to scrub toilets and take out the trash? Hmm...

Humility is best swallowed with a glass of wisdom, instead of a glass of humiliation. May we be mindful of who we are, and who we're not, and may our deeds of humility point to Jesus, our model of humility, who touched the lepers, held the children, cooked the fish, and carried the cross. He is our ultimate role model.


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