Thursday, September 18, 2008

Verse of the Day - 2 Peter 2:19b

For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. ~ 2 Peter 2:19b (ESV)


If we think slavery is a thing of the past, we need to think again. Scripture says different, and if we look at our lives, we'll come to the same conclusion.

When does passion turn into obsession and slavery? Think about it...

~ A person LOVES sports -- so much so that they not only watch ESPN and ESPN2, but they pay extra to get additional sports channels, dedicated to individual sports. They're glued to the TV and consumed with sports shows. Are they chained and enslaved?

~ A person LOVES food -- they love to smell it, cook it, and eat it. They spend far too much time and money at the grocery store, in the kitchen, and at the dinner table. When they're not eating, they're thinking about eating. And their bathroom scale most likely reflects this passion. Chained and enslaved?

~ A person LOVES order and organization -- a place for everything and everything in it's place. Their home is meticulously neat and tidy. They can't rest if even one dirty dish is left in the sink, or there's even a speck of paper on the floor. Constantly cleaning, even into the wee hours when most folks are sleeping. Do you think this person thinks they're enslaved, or free?

What we allow to overcome us enslaves us. Yet that swings both ways. If we allow the Holy Spirit to overcome us, we become enslaved to God, being consumed with His will and purpose, thinking of Him constantly, addicted to the Lord. That's the kind of slavery we should be after! But, alas, we so often allow other influences to be our masters, and we end up dragging the chains of discontent around, while still trying to be a contented God-follower.

Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus... ~ Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT)

Let's examine ourselves and see what and/or who has their chains on us. Is it God, or something else? Anything less than being a slave to the Lord is just carrying around dead weight.


1 comment:

Mike Jones said...

Ouch! ;-) Good points though, and I know you're right.