Sunday, September 7, 2008

Verse of the Day - 1 Corinthians 16:14

Do everything in love. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:14 (NIV)


Four little words, but what a commitment punch they pack!

Everything, Lord? Do everything in love? But what about when that guy cuts me off on the I just supposed to let that slide --"in love"? Or when I catch my co-workers talking behind my I just supposed to smile at them -- "in love"?

...and the game show Host says, "If you answered 'yes' to all these questions, you WIN! Tell them, Jerry, what they've won..."

Everything we do should be done in love, and that is a tall order! No wonder Paul spent an entire chapter of this book discussing it! (read 1 Corinthians 13--often called 'the love chapter';&version=31;)

Not only how we treat people who misuse us, but what our thoughts and motives are for why we do things. How many times have you been asked to do something in front of a group, and instead of it being about how you can assist/minister to them, it becomes about you and how well you do, and what they think of you? Is that serving in love?

Loving God, loving others. That's what Jesus reiterated as the consummation of the law of God (Matthew 22:36-40). And, no, you don't win a trip to Tahiti or a new car when you practice love in all things, but you do win God's smile and a vibrant relationship with Him. Jesus told us in John 15 that obeying His commands is how we stay connected to Him and experience a love relationship with Him, the true vine. And then He breaks it down to simplicity -- twice. "This is my command (singular): Love each other."

Love is what fills God's heart. And believers in Christ have Him living inside of us. Therefore, we have the resources to love as God loves -- sacrificially and unconditionally. Think you can't? Well, I guarantee that if you're willing for self to step off the podium and allow God to be in charge, you'll be amazed at how His love pours through you . . . in thoughts, motives, word and deed. And when we love, we are spotlighting God's heart to the world, for all to see! Shouldn't that be our goal?

Sometimes practicing love is easy...with your dog, your best friend, your favorite activity. But sometimes it is so hard...with that cranky neighbor, the slow grocery checker, doing that chore that you absolutely hate and complain about every time you have to do it.

So here's a challenge today: do everything in love. Whatever it is, whoever it's with -- do it in love. And not with just a cheesy, "I-don't-really-mean-it-even-though-I'm-smiling" smile -- with true love from God's Spirit. Ask God to help you be the love light that shines on Him.

When it gets tough to do, that's when the love light shines the brightest, because any unbelieving Joe Blow can love when it's easy. It's when life gets hard that love stands out.


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