Monday, September 29, 2008

Verse of the Day - Psalm 34:18

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
~ Psalm 34:18 (NIV)


Ever been brokenhearted? Crushed in spirit? I know I have. Nothing is so debilitating as a broken heart or a crushed spirit. You might not have anything physically wrong with you, but when you're under the weight of mental and emotional anguish, you might as well have a crippling disease, for all of your inability to function like a "normal" human being.

Do you ever find that some people avoid you when you're going through that fire?

We humans are often at a loss as to what to do when someone is going through a valley of despair and brokenness. It's uncomfortable when you can't seem to lift a finger to help the person who's suffering on the inside. If only we could put a band-aid on it...but we can't. And so we sometimes avoid the situation by avoiding the person. But God never avoids the hurting.

This verse really speaks to me of God's compassion for the hurting, and I often quote it when sending out sympathy cards. I just want people to know that, not only am I concerned for them in their difficult time, God cares, too. And I know he does, because He's been there for me, when I've been crushed in spirit.

Whatever issue you may be facing, or whatever events have occurred in your life, you've been broken-hearted. Or if you haven't, you will -- the day is still young. I pray that, when your heart breaks and you're under the heavy weight of emotional burden, you will reach out to God, who stands so close that you can hear Him breathing. Ready to hold you . . . listen to you . . . catch your tears . . . and offer words of comfort and love.

Anyone who says God is a meanie doesn't know my God. He's got the biggest heart and the most loving arms you could ever hope to find. Please go to Him when you're hurting. He's the only One who can lift those heart burdens and give you real hope.


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